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The regulation of gene expression by glucocorticoids can be
The regulation of gene expression by glucocorticoids can be mediated either by the canonical mechanism that involves the interaction of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), a transcription factor activated by the hormone, with glucocorticoid response element (Ye et al., 2007), or by the non-canonical m
In Antirrhinum floral organ identity genes include DEFICIENS
In Antirrhinum, floral organ identity genes include DEFICIENS (DEF) (Sommer et al., 1990) and GLOBOSA (GLO) (Trobner et al., 1992) required for petal and stamen identity (B-function), PLENA (P) required for stamen and carpel formation (C-function) (Bradley et al., 1993) and SQUAMOSA (SQUA) which is
Applications for protein switches are numerous In
Applications for protein switches are numerous. In diagnostics, protein switches can detect analytes as components of inexpensive homogeneous assays that do not require specialized equipment or time-consuming incubation and washing steps characteristic of immunoassays [8]. Protein switches have also
umi 2 The current antifungal pipeline contains several categ
The current antifungal pipeline contains several categories of compounds at different stages of development [1], [9], [10], [96]. In Table 1 we summarize the most promising antifungal molecules that are in preclinical and in clinical development. Several compounds in the pipeline are derivatives of
Complementing the effects of ARB and ACEI on HDL capacity
Complementing the effects of ARB and ACEI on HDL capacity to elicit cholesterol efflux, HDL of ARB- and ACEI-treated groups significantly lessened macrophage production of superoxide (Fig 2). As with efflux, there was no difference in this effect between the ARB and ACEI groups. These data are inter
br Prostate cancer and resistance to AR targeting
Prostate cancer and resistance to AR targeting treatment The AR plays a pivotal role in the development, differentiation, homeostasis and secretory function of the normal prostate (Wilson, 2011). The AR is also a key player in many phases of prostate carcinogenesis (Huggins et al., 1941, Scher an
We designed SSOs that block APP exon
We designed SSOs that block APP exon 17 splicing and induce the production of an alternatively spliced APP mRNA lacking exon 17 (APPΔex17). APPΔex17 mRNA encodes an APP protein isoform that lacks 49 Amphotericin B including the γ-secretase cleavage sites that give rise to the toxic, AD-associated A
Similarly results obtained in our lab using
Similarly, results obtained in our lab using experimental diabetic encephalopathy induced by streptozotocin (STZ) in C57BL-6 mice showed that the hippocampus of the diabetic animals exhibited reactive gliosis, neuronal loss, NF-kB signaling activation as well as high levels of IL-1β and vascular end
AAT enzyme activity was readily detected in crude
AAT enzyme activity was readily detected in crude cell-free extracts obtained from berry tissues of all accessions but displayed different substrate selectivities (Fig. 2). Cell-free extracts derived from ‘Muscat Hamburg’ berries showed the highest AAT activity with all alcoholic substrates tested,
Recent genome wide association studies have indicated
Recent genome-wide association studies have indicated SORL1 as a risk factor for AD (Meng et al., 2007, Rogaeva et al., 2007, Wen et al., 2013). SORL1, is expressed in neurons (Yin et al., 2015) and also regulates APP traffic from the cell membrane to the Golgi apparatus. A reduction in its expressi
A key building block in MT SGL
A key building block in MT-SGL is the computation of the proximal operator in (12) when is the multi-task sparse group lasso regularizer given byFor MT-SGL, the iterates x ≡ Θ are matrices, and the proximal operator is computed at z ≡ Z = Θ + α(Θ − Θ). For the loss function L(·) corresponding to Gau
MD was the recipient of the Intergroupe Francophone de Canc
MD was the recipient of the Intergroupe Francophone de Cancérologie Thoracique (IFCT) Alain Depierre Grant in 2014. JP was the recipient of the ARISTOT (Association de Recherche, d’Information Scientifique et Thérapeutique en Oncologie Thoracique) grant in 2016. Conflicts of interest statement
Mass spectrometry MS analysis and selective
Mass spectrometry (MS) analysis and selective enrichment methods of phosphorylated proteins are powerful tools that can help address these challenges. Recent advances in MS have made it possible to analyze signaling pathways by facilitating high-throughput identification of phosphorylation sites wit
PC is considered as a cancer
PC is considered as a cancer of the epigenome (Grasso et al., 2012, Robinson et al., 2015). Our results demonstrate that the interaction of AR with ACK1 drives the positive feedback epigenetic circuitry that is ultimately conducive to promote AR transcription. Further, this circuitry subjugates AR t
ubiquitin conjugating enzyme In young animals the HT
In young animals, the 5-HT2A ubiquitin conjugating enzyme antagonist ketanserin, at relatively low concentrations, shifted 5-HT concentration-response curves rightward, suggesting a role for 5-HT2A receptors in mediating 5-HT-induced contractions of the ureter. The slopes of the ketanserin Schild pl